Spring fishing off our main dock is something we look forward to each year. No need to hop in a boat with the kids, just cast off the dock with a bobber and the fish will come.

Walleyes, northern pike, perch, and crappie is what we've reeled in so far. Some evenings the action doesn't even let us sit down on the bench - put a minnow on the hook, cast out, bobber down, reel it in and then repeat!

We've had a few fish dinners, the rest just get returned to the water to perhaps catch another day.

Our guests staying here have had some great days on the water too! Ryan and Andy, return guests from Minneapolis, came up to enjoy the spring fishing for a 3rd year in a row. They reeled in 71 walleyes in the 2 1/2 days they spent on the water.

They still use the 'honey hole' that Jim put them on 3 years ago!